Friday, May 13, 2005

Myrtle Pics Before I Disappear

I have to sign off ethernet tomorrow. Aaaah! This is not appreciated. To amuse, I provide you with some charming pictures of BEEEEEAAAAACH!

This is our hotel room. THAT IS A JACUZZI IN OUR HOTEL ROOM.

This is the view off our balcony. Ha, ha, ha, now you are jealous.

And this is the beach. You are still jealous; there is no use in hiding it.

It was Heather's birthday, so we went to the (world-famous?) House of Blues for dinner! Look at us, we are so cute.

Heather and Victor are also so cute. Awwww.

It looks like the ribs are about to get me, but


There is nothing better than minigolfing in the dark, in part because it also gets you a free pyrotechnics show.

The next day, we went boogie boarding. We are cute again, and beautifully nerdy with our hang-ten signs.

Boogie boarding = sore, so we switched to creating Nigel, the world's best upside-down man. Look at his perfectly toned buttocks!

I loooooove Nigel (not as much as Victor loves Nigel, but this is a family restaurant).

We had barbeque, complete with ridonculous cornbread and someone sticking their finger in our pie, necessitating a pie-rescue attempt in which Victor snuck around the back of the patio to escape notice. Sketchy, sketchy.

Jeannie and Deirdre being tan and translucent, respectively.

We went to this weird place called Broadway on the Beach, filled with many clubs, none of which would let me use their bathrooms because I am underage. (left to right: Victor, Heather, Patricia, Sajid, Jeannie, Deirdre, me)

The one club that DID let me in...well. Look, it's not my fault! I was tempted, ok? And my pad is broken. So I had to...I'm a loser.

Victor thinks of shoes and ships and sealing wax.

The Grow-A-Girlfriend was a TERRIBLE DISAPPOINTMENT.


Blogger Rita Xavier said...

At the risk of embarrassing you, I'll say you look pretty cute. (pretty & cute) All of you look as though you are having fun. Great group of friends.

5/13/2005 11:47 PM  
Blogger :D said...

for the record, that's about as tan as I get anymore--it all concentrates into freckles. I blame super-strong flash.

...ok only 90% blame the flash. Maybe 50. OK! 5.

5/27/2005 10:23 PM  

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